“Career Fair 2014” organized by USM Engineering Campus was located at the Dewan Utama . First of all, at first glance at the event, I was surprised at how large scale the event was, in terms of the companies involved, the set up of the hall, and also the amount of committee members dressed in smart attires ever ready to usher any attendees. As a first year at the time, it was quite an experience seeing such a professionally managed and carried out event.


As I proceeded to the hall and started walking around, noticing all the company representatives passing around brochures and flyers. It took me awhile to complete the pathway created as I kept on constantly engaging in conversations with company representatives. As there were a wide range of companies present, ranging from Dyson to Sapura Kencana and even to the Singapore-based company, Tiong Aik Construction , I was filled with much useful knowledge of the possible engineering fields and also in a way, how what I’m studying now could be applied in the future.

Also, most company representatives were also very willing to assist any attendees who were unsure on what future career path were suitable. For example, some even carried out quizzes and personality tests to better understand one’s interest thus making a more valid and informed decision on what to do next. This was quite exciting as it helps narrow down one’s choices. In addition to that, many helpful career talks were set in small rooms at the left hand corner of the hall. This was really the highlight of the event personally as most companies would take an hour each to highlight their companies for example what their company actually did in terms of engineering and what the company looks for in people who applies for the job. Furthermore, all the career talks were free of charge which was a very big advantage as I could imagine these talks would cost m    uch money to attend.

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Another exciting advantage of the event was that many slots for interview sessions for possible internships were carried out. Since I didn’t know much about this coming into the event, I had to ask seniors and the committee at hand on how it worked. I was honestly shocked to hear that a lot of 3rd year and also some 2nd year seniors were actually given a chance to carry out their interview sessions in the hall itself, which made things very convenient and helpful.

Last but not least, many exciting games were set up by the committee of the event. The most popular one I guess was the lucky draw, where one stood the chance to win a wide range of gifts including an Ipad mini. This was a very exciting treat for those present and increased the festivities of the event.

All in all, as a first time attendee of the annual “Career Fair” event, I was very pleased as I was able to engage with company representatives to learn more about possible future careers, get an idea of what kind of companies are present in the market and also what companies look for in engineers. I will be ever ready to attend and participate in the coming “Career Fair 2015” and I strongly encourage everyone, from 1st years to 4th years to attend as well, as the slogan for the 2014 event accurately proclaims “Be Here, Be the Future”.

About Us

The career fair of Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus is an annual event held by Students Affair and Development Division, USM. Both local and international companies are parts of our career fair every year.

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    Universiti Sains Malaysia,
    14300 Nibong Tebal,
    Pulau Pinang

    Email: usmcareerfair@gmail.com

    LOH QIAO AN: +6019-4471767

    NEOH ZHI JING: +6011-61558871