“Five years later, our friendship will be much stronger. with this friendship that we’ve built, we will bring happiness to the society and continue to enjoy our tremendously exciting life!”

The above tagline is none other than Angie Lee’s, the winner of 2014 Career Fair Selfie Competition. It does boggle our conscious mind when we think of the future as in this context, five years later. We have been told again and again that every decision that we make must be carefully weighed upon before something is done, so as to create a better understanding of our future . The problem lies in the very question itself: What is the future?

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At the time of the competition, which was around March 2014, selfie became a worldwide phenomenon. The Career Fair members just struck gold. Why not organise a selfie competition? Why don’t we let the people express themselves while promoting Career Fair? It is an obvious win-win situation and hence the competition took place. A selfie, a Facebook account and confidence was all they need to have to succeed. Essentially, this is obviously a publicity stunt rolled out by the committee, but with hopes that people can be more aware of who they are, what do they want, and most importantly, who they can be. Interesting to note that out of all submissions, only 8 were selected for the final round of picking for the determination of the winner. Now, to get back to more pondering……

To stay alive, we must first accept the fact that the present is the past and also in a way , the future . For heaven’s sake, how is this even related to the selfie competition? Are you going to be bored to death by reading all these so called “life philosophies” when you should taking selfies instead?

Don’t get me wrong though, selfie is not about self-obsession or a method to brainwash you thinking that the world only revolves around you, rather it is another picture of you and your memory. Why selfie? Why not a normal picture? The answer is this: We have been busy trying to make others happy, but we forget ourselves in the process. A selfie is a reminder to keep yourself checked while you are busy carving your pathway to the unknown.

Curious about what was revolving in the mind of the winner? Here is the excerpt of my conversation with Angie:

“It was random actually. One day in the library, 2 other people suddenly decided to join that competition, and it was quite last minute I would say. About one week before the closing date I think.. Then 3 of us spammed people on Facebook, asking them to vote for us. We took 2-3 days to reach top 8 I think. The other 2 members were Dave and Cheah Wei Kian”

Congratulations again Miss Angie, we truly hope that the future would be yours to hold!

Remember, be here, be the future.

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The career fair of Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus is an annual event held by Students Affair and Development Division, USM. Both local and international companies are parts of our career fair every year.

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    Email: usmcareerfair@gmail.com

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    NEOH ZHI JING: +6011-61558871