"Ideas, Where Innovation Begins."
Greetings everyone. We’ve got good news for you!
Today’s the big day! The event you’ve all been waiting for is finally here! ENGINNOVATE is back, bigger and better than ever before!
Never heard of ENGINNOVATE? Fret not, here’s some enlightenment to digest on.
ENGINNOVATE - Engineering Innovative Design Competition is a platform for students to convey their amazing engineering ideas through proposal writing and idea presentation. Hosted by Career Fair 2020 in collaboration with IEM-USM Student Section, this event will be your chance to unleash your wildest imagination and creativity while developing innovative solutions for real-world challenges.
Not only that, participation in ENGINNOVATE is free of charge! More benefits you ask? You can even stand a chance to win awesome cash prizes up to RM1000! What are you waiting for? Grab your friends and start brainstorming for ideas!
Reminder, we are only accepting proposals submission from now until the deadline of 26th Feb 2020 and the Grand Finale will be on 1st April 2020. So, mark your calendar now!
For further information, please download the E-Handbook attached below or send us your inquiries through email ???? (Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.)
E-Handbook : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R7Kz8MPEilc-BWbaefqSaQ8f0Eib5O2x/view?fbclid=IwAR0ZoAtNdTYlZsniRY2den1RIFcKn9LSHPo1VMYY5u5ACwQnh7tGcRgz0Ic
Can't wait to hear from you all!