Day 1

On 11th October 2019, Career Fair 2020 Workshop was carried out in seminar room, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Sharp at 5.30pm, our workshop started with ice breaking session with games including “Squirrel and Tree”, “Rock-paper-scissors” and “Follow the Instruction”. Next, we were divided into groups, and given about 5 minutes to find our groupmates with each groupmate from different department. Then, the last ice breaking session game, “Find the true person” began. This game help us to know more about our Career Fair 2020 high committees according to the descriptions given.  

After our dinner, there was a talk given by our high committees to brief on what Career Fair actually is, and tell us about the job scope of each department. The workshop continued with sharing session by our ex-Career Fair high committees. They shared their experiences throughout their years being in Career Fair and advised us to learn things in this event and enjoy every moment throughout the Career Fair. Our workshop finally ended at 10.30pm.

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Ice breaking session for members in their respective groups

Day 2

Around 60 members of Career Fair 2020 attend the second day of workshop. Most of the members were still not pumped up for the activities that was going to be carried out since it was so early in the morning. However, when the Zumba session started, all of the members got energized and danced happily to some of the best hits songs. After the Zumba Session ended, the members gathered according to their groups and were briefed on what is going to happen throughout this workshop on that day. Once the briefing was done, each group was designated accordingly to their own stations and they are required to find their stations. There was a total of 4 stations (Outdoor Dodgeball, Number Bomb, Human Caterpillar and Chair Game) and each station had 2 groups competing against each other.

It was already noon, when all the groups finished their station games and they were required to gather at the running field. Everyone was exhausted and thought that the event had ended until the organizers said we have to form a human caterpillar that consist of all Career Fair 2020 members including high committees and everyone was getting splashed by pail of water. Lastly, we officially ended our station games with group photo. After that, we were given an hour to rest and shower.

At about 1.00 p.m., all members gathered back at the seminar room. We had lunch together at the staff’s pantry. After lunch, we head back to the seminar room and sat according to our groups to start the afternoon session, Mini Career Fair. We were given 2 hours to prepare our slides and 2 hours to present, meaning a duration of 10 minutes of presentation per group. Each task was given based on the eight departments plus one pre-event task that we need to brainstorm on as a group. This was a great experience as it indirectly taught the members to reinforce our teamwork. From here, we can understand and learn more about other departmental job scope. Even with limited time, everyone managed to hand in their slides before it was due. During the presentation, we were able to share ideas as one big group and brainstorm more on how to improve our Career Fair.

The next session after was “Cooking Competition”. A representative from each group were assigned to buy the ingredients needed to cook with only RM50 in hand for each group. We were given 30 minutes to buy the groceries needed without exceeding the budget given. Setting a limit to the time and money really helped us to not overspend and be more mindful of what we spend and our time management. We straight away head to Staff’s Café once we reached back our campus. Each group were given a pan, a ladle, a portable stove, salt and oil. We were required to cook for around 13 people in about 2 hours. At the end of the day, we managed to use up the ingredients we bought to cook for our dinner without wastage.

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Cooking competition

Day 3

We left early in the morning to Sungai Sedim, Kedah on the third day of workshop and took 1 hour and 30 minutes of journey to our destination. We kicked start our day by playing water tubing. Water tubing was a fantastic experience we had ever been through. Our guide was experienced and friendly. He clearly knew a lot about the river which was reassuring, there was also no pressure to carry out water tubing session. Although most of us capsized into the water, but luckily there were lifeguards and members that willing to help each other.

After having our lunch, it should be our jungle trekking session but it was raining heavily. Luckily the rain stopped after a while so that we could continue with our schedule. Due to some of the members were not feeling well, so not every members joined jungle trekking. For those who didn’t join the jungle trekking, they had their fun time with playing table games together. Throughout these games, the members get to know each other more. While for another team that joined jungle trekking, most of them bit by leeches, but they helped each other to remove the leeches. The whole jungle trekking journey took around 2 hours.

After having dinner, we had a photo session for each department. Afterwards, we had a sharing session, some of our members had shared their feelings throughout this workshop. We felt like our bonding is getting stronger. After the sharing session, we’ve taken our group photo, this memory will be kept in our heart forever! And finally, we departed to go back our campus and reaching at 8pm.

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Water tubing activity at Sungai Sedim

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Group photo for Career Fair 2020

About Us

The career fair of Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus is an annual event held by Students Affair and Development Division, USM. Both local and international companies are parts of our career fair every year.

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    Kampus Kejuruteraan,
    Universiti Sains Malaysia,
    14300 Nibong Tebal,
    Pulau Pinang

    Email: usmcareerfair@gmail.com

    LOH QIAO AN: +6019-4471767

    NEOH ZHI JING: +6011-61558871